Illustration of an open book with pirate ship, pirate and letters floating up off of the pages

Tiny Tales is a delightful storytelling session specially designed for toddlers. This enchanting experience offers young children the chance to immerse themselves in the magic of stories, where every tale comes to life at Chelmsford Theatre!

Ideal for Ages 2 to 5, Tiny Tales promises a joyful, enriching experience that will leave kids giggling and eager for more stories. All sessions will be themed around animals and nature with a different focus each time. Reserve your spot today and let the adventures begin!

Tuesday 11 March to Tuesday 13 May, 10.30am
Venue: Main Bar, Chelmsford Theatre, Fairfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1JG
Duration: 45 mins
Tickets: £5.00
Box Office:

Accompanying adult is free
A £2 fee is applicable per transaction
Wheelchair accessible and essential companion tickets must be booked via our Access Scheme

Please note you only need to purchase a ticket for children, adults are free. Every child ticket includes 1 free hot drink for their grown up!